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Finishing Of Frameless Glass Shower Doors – Washington DC

The Finish For Your Frameless Glass Shower Doors – Washington DC

While making your choice of the best frameless glass shower doors to be installed in your bathroom, you will need to decide on the type of finish you want for these doors. Although these doors are devoid of frames, they require a small amount of metalwork for support. The handles as also detailing will be built from some type of metal. Brass and chrome are the most widely preferred finishes, but you will also find quite a number of other options to choose from. You might like to select a material that blends in with or complements the other fixtures present in your bathroom.

The Glass Type

You will also need to select the glass type as well. You can take your pick from completely clear, molded and etched, smoked, and other types. However, different retailers in Washington DC might offer different options. Your choice of glass depends absolutely on your personal tastes and preferences, but you might do well to spare some thought as to the extent to which different glass types will be able to complement your present bathroom décor.

The Installation Of Your New Frameless Shower Door – Washington DC

It’s also important to determine if it’s possible for you to install the frameless shower door by yourself or not. You may prefer to get professional help for doing the installation. Of course, this will cost somewhat more, but many people prefer not doing the installation by themselves. However, if you do wish to install your frameless shower door yourself, it’s better to buy an installation kit or purchase a shower door that comes with an installation kit included. But this could drive up the price a bit as well. Installing frameless glass shower doors is not a tall ask at all and typically can be done inside just an hour or so, depending on how skilled you are. It’s very easy to maintain them as they are not affected by corrosion or rust. In fact, your frameless door is going to last years longer than a framed one simply because there is no risk of the frame picking up rust. Take your own time before deciding on your new frameless shower door. Its style and design should set off your existing bathroom décor and make it possible for easy installation if you are thinking about doing the job by yourself.